
Wispy Possibilities Set

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This is a fabulous set to stretch your mind, enhance your positive expectations and take your manifesting to the next level. Plus, it's a lot of fun! Enjoy! 36 pages total

The Wispy Possibilities Set comes with one sleep download and a 25 page eBook: instructions, creativity sheets, and two different types of backgrounds. Have fun with these. Think of as many amazing things as you can. Yay! You!

Believing In Impossible Things
Discover the Amazing Power of your Inner Mind
Sleep Hypnosis (Only Use this to go to sleep.)
This download puts you to sleep using your imaging center. You'll go through anything and everything that you want. You'll go where ever you can dream up. This is wonderful for anyone who wants to fall asleep drifting away into their imagination.
And, remember, if you can image it, you can create it. You may just be amazed to discover what magick starts popping up in your life when you're using this regularly.
Happy Enchanting!

The complimentary Intricate Design Series is created to inspire contemplation and creation. There's a plethora of subjects within the line: activity sheets and exercises, coloring pages, creativity sheets and manifesting papers and sets. This eBook includes the 11 page Intricate Designs Sample Set and Instructions. Enjoy!


Download the Samples to see what the pages look like. 

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