
Manifesting III

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Step 3... It's Creation Light and Truth time! This program helps you fine-tune and focus on using your Spiritual Light to create anything and everything that you want in your life. Enjoy!

The Key to Success
This is a wonderful guided meditation that will help you find your key to success in any aspect or area of your life. This download tunes you into that part of you that can help you get to where you want to be.
Use this for one thing at a time. Decide what you want to know about before you listen to this. Have your journal ready and expect a lot of visions and messages!

You may use it for as many situations, people and things that you can think of. You'll figure what you need in each situation and what or how to fix or change it. Questions about things in your life? This will answer it! Have Fun!

Nothings too Good to be True
This black board help you erase and replace those old programs that you can't have what you want. It tunes you into the truth of the situation, the person and the circumstance so that you know what is true and what is not. You'll stop your habits of self sabotage when you can't believe it's really 'this' perfect because you will be able to stop yourself from settling and convincing yourself you don't deserve the very best.

Light the Earth Course
Use your Spiritual Light to bring balance to the planet, your body and your life. Listening to the Light the Earth download(s) and/or doing the visualization works best if done every day. You'll be amazed by the difference in your life and in those around you.

The Light the Earth Course comes with a 177 page manual and workbook and 3 downloads. Choose the download that fits you that day.
Each download is different. There's a 13, 25 and a 49 minute download guiding you through the process of Lighting the Earth, healing your body (and keeping it healthy and balanced), achieving your goals, protecting your things and everyone you care about. You cannot get the 25 minute and the 49 minute Light the Earth Downloads anywhere else ~ they go with the manual and the 13 minute download is found on my website (it's free and is included here because it's nice to have a short one).  The worksheets (included in the manual) should be used every time you do the long download. You can use them with all of the downloads but it is recommended that you use it every time you listen to the 49 minute recording. Your life changes. By taking the time to go over what you did last time, you'll be better able to create what you want this time.
All of the Light the Earth downloads work with this manual. (See them here.)
We have a plethora of products that accompany and enhance your Light the Earth course. See them here. All of the Light the Earth products remind us how important we are to the planet. You can help spread the word that Spiritual Light can restore balance... to our planet, our bodies and throughout our lives.
This is Creation Light. You are using God's Light. *If you are uncomfortable with the 'word' God ~ Do NOT buy this set.

Light the Earth Affirmation Images
This 34 page eBook is full of images to remind you to use your Spiritual Light all of the time for everyone and everything!. You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slideshow or print them and put them everywhere! You can use them all or just the ones you need at the time. Enjoy! 

Light the Earth: Abundance
This class help you to expand your abundance consciousness. You'll be amazed how it changes every aspect of your life. You may use this anytime (and everytime) you need an abundance pick me up! Be sure to fill out all of your worksheets completely. 25 min

Light the Earth: Creative Energy
This class is great for focusing on using your creation Light and getting questions answered, problems solved and new ideas. You'll be reminded of how powerful your Light is and what you can do! It's wonderful. Fill out your worksheets :) 40 min.

Light the Earth: Manifesting
This guided meditation 'teaches' you how to use your Light to manifest your goals. Write out what you want. Fill out all of your worksheets completely. You'll cover all of your creations during this. Happy Manifesting! 

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