Inspire Yourself! Do you need a little pick me up? Have you lost your inspiration, drive or passion? This picks you up and gets you back to where you want to be. The Get Inspired! set comes with an affirmation eBook and two downloads. Have fun!
Large Text Get Inspired! Affirmations This eBook has one set of well-centered, clear affirmation images in dark, large font. They're super easy to read! 40pgs
Stop those Thoughts! No, Seriously. There's nothing worse than having a mind like a run-away-train. And, we all know, once it gets going... Well, that's what this set is for. It has everything you need to stop them permanently.
Positive Thinking. Change your Thinking... Change your Life! This set has everything that you need to change your thinking. Do you need a fresh start, a new perspective or paradigm? This covers it all. Happy! Happy! Have Fun!
This 116 page set is a great way to get yourself into the habit of using your affirmations and journaling. These are the same as the other Positive Thinking Sets. Each are a little different. The affirmations are the same. Enjoy!
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