Make Having Positive Expectations a Lifestyle. [Personalized] coaching sessions are a great way to keep you and your family on track and get all of your questioned answered.
This set is super cute! It comes with instructions. examples and outlines for making your own affirmations. They follow the theme of The Best Day & Night Affirmations. This affirmation set is all inclusive. It complements The Complete HOPE Set for Kids.
This is a combination of The Best Day Ever! and The Best Night Ever! affirmation sets. 122 pgs It's super cute and simple. It comes with a few instructions and lots of affirmation images. They complement The Complete HOPE Set for Kids. Enjoy!
This 88 page affirmation eBook focuses on Having the Best Day Ever! It's super cute and simple. It comes with a few instructions and lots of affirmation images. The Best Day Ever! Affirmations complement The Complete HOPE Set for Kids. Enjoy!
This 37 page affirmation eBook focuses on Having the Best Night Ever! It's super cute and simple. It comes with a few instructions and lots of affirmation images. The Best Night Ever! Affirmations complement The Complete HOPE Set for Kids. Enjoy!
This set is designed for younger children. It helps get your little ones involved. They'll be more positive, improve their vocabulary and learn how to put themselves in a meditative state. The earlier you start them, the better!
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